[firebase-br] New features in FB... deferred constraint

Mário Reis mariodosreyx em gmail.com
Quinta Julho 20 06:13:39 -03 2023

Dear Marco Cantú and Dmitry Yemanov,
I wonder, if and when deferred constraint will be implemented?
As far as I understand, developer should have the possibility of raising
exception errors right when it happens or later, after filling the full
screen data information, when commiting the insert/update transaction.
For not stopping in all the time the program/user passe's on each field,
like it happens in postgresql. When developers or analysts have to make
decisions, constraints may be deferred for a  later time.
When committing the application raises the all list of deferred
constraints, this is very important to do in the server and it is not easy
to implement in your exe, because firebird Stop's the application  at the
Best regards

Com os meus melhores cumprimentos
Mário Agostinho Reis

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