[firebase-br] QLI

Jeudí Prando - GMail jeudiprando em gmail.com
Ter Out 10 19:32:52 -03 2006

alguem sabe para que serve QLI

tirei do banco help.fdb que veio junto com o fb2.0

eu acho que fala sobre mapeamento de bancos de dados e interassão entre eles... mas ainda estou estudando

Qli (Query Language Interpreter) is the interactive data retrieval 
and manipulation interface to databases managed by InterBase.
Qli supports significant subsets of GDML, SQL, and GDEF's data
definition language (DDL).

You can mix both the GDML and SQL variants during your qli session.
However, you cannot use statements and commands from the GDML variant
as substatements of a SQL statement. Similarly, you cannot use a SQL 
statement as a substatement of a GDML statement.

outro exemplo 

The FINISH command explicitly closes a database.


 FINISH  [ database-handle-commalist ]
The following command closes all open databases:
QLI>  finish 
The following example readies two databases, performs some 
data manipulation, and closes one of the databases:
QLI>  ready /usr/igor/datafiles/atlas.gdb as atlas 
QLI>  ready maps.gdb as map 
QLI>  finish atlas 

The FOR statement evaluates a record selection expression and 
executes a substatement FOR each qualifying record.  You can nest 
FOR loops to display a hierarchy of records or to join relations 
across databases.


   FOR  rse qli-statement 

QLI>  for states sorted by state 
CON>  print capitol, state, statehood 

QLI>  for states cross cities over state sorted by city 
CON>  print city, state, altitude, population 

QLI>  for ski_areas with state = 'FL' 
CON>  erase 

QLI>  for pc in part_component sorted by pc.assembly 
CON>  begin 
CON>  print pc.assembly 
CON>   for p in parts with p.item_number = pc.component 
CON>    print pc.component, p.item_name, p.price 
CON>  end 

QLI>  ready apollo:/usr/data/mapper.gdb as mapper 
QLI>  ready atlas.gdb as atlas 
QLI>  for s in atlas.states sorted by s.state 
CON>  begin 
CON>  for c in mapper.cities with 
CON>   s.state = c.state 
CON>   print s.state_name, c.city, c.population 
CON>  end 

não tô entendendo muito não

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