[firebase-br] Erro Engine13

Carlos H. Cantu listas em warmboot.com.br
Terça Setembro 12 17:54:18 -03 2023

O Vlad já respondeu seu post na lista internacional:

IPCName is for XNET remote protocol and have nothing common with embedded usage.

Please, read v4.0.3 firebird.conf about new setting UseLegacyKernelObjectsNames:

# ----------------------------
# The way of how to create names for named Windows kernel objects, such as
# events, memory mapped files, etc. Since v4.0.3 Firebird creates its named
# kernel objects in private namespace. It allows to interact processes within
# different Windows sessions, such as user session and system session. Also,
# it uses engine version in some shared event names - it allows single process
# to host Firebird engines of different versions.
# The legacy names is for backward compatibility only, it allows simultaneous
# run of Firebird processes of newly (>= v4.0.3) and older (< 4.0.3)
# subreleases of version 4.
# The setting is global.
# It is used for backward compatibility only and will not be present in the
# future Firebird versions.
# Type: boolean
#UseLegacyKernelObjectsNames = false

This change was missed in RN, unfortunately


Carlos H. Cantu
eBook Guia de Migração para o FB 4 - www.firebase.com.br/guiafb4.php
www.FireBase.com.br - www.firebirdnews.org - blog.firebase.com.br

RRCvl> Tenho um banco de dados local funcionando com o Firebird 4.0.2 Embedded.
RRCvl> Depois de migrar para o Firebird 4.0.3 Embedded, ao tentar conectar no
RRCvl> banco, ocorre o seguinte erro:

RRCvl> Error loading plugin Engine13.
RRCvl> Module C:\...\plugins/Engine13 exists but can not be loaded.
RRCvl> Impossível localizar o procedimento especificado.

RRCvl> Esse erro só ocorre com minha aplicação Delphi, no IBExpert conecta
RRCvl> normalmente ao banco.

RRCvl> Gostaria de saber como resolver esse problema.

RRCvl> Obrigado,

RRCvl> Ricardo Rocha César
RRCvl> rcesar22 em gmail.com
RRCvl> ______________________________________________
RRCvl> FireBase-BR (www.firebase.com.br) - Hospedado em www.locador.com.br
RRCvl> Para saber como gerenciar/excluir seu cadastro na lista, use:
RRCvl> http://www.firebase.com.br/fb/artigo.php?id=1107
RRCvl> Para consultar mensagens antigas: http://www.firebase.com.br/pesquisa_lista.html

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