[firebase-br] (sem assunto)

Mário Reis mariodosreyx em gmail.com
Sex Mar 27 15:32:24 -03 2020

Companheiros mais experientes do Firebird
Me mandaram isto:
InterBase vs MSSQL

Summary: MSSQL is a powerful top end database that comes with top end
pricing, if you want the business critical features like Transparent Data
Encryption (TDE). TDE helps businesses conform with Data Protection laws
and best practice and work towards standards like PCI / HIPPA compliance.
TDE is in all paid editions of InterBase, a feature that is only available
in MSSQL Enterprise.

Read on to learn more about the key differences between InterBase and

Read More

Test Drive InterBase 2020

Ultra-fast, scalable, embeddable SQL database with commercial grade data
security, disaster recovery and change synchronization

Cyber attacks against databases and loss of data can be costly, lead to
loss of customers’ trust (and business), regulatory action and even large
fines. InterBase provides over-the-wire and at-rest encryption, separate
security login, and role-based user security. InterBase encryption adds
very little overhead to database speed and performance, while still
maintaining full on disk encryption.

Na última comparação que vi o Firebird3.0 batia aos pontos o Interbase(?)
Alguém conhece de alguma comparação recente do Firebird 3.0 com o
InterBase 2020?
Obrigado Abraço e bom fim de semana.
Com os meus melhores cumprimentos
Mário Agostinho Reis

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[image: cloudHQ]

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