[firebase-br] FirebirdGuardianDefaultInstance error: 1063

DanielN danieln.desenvol em supersoft.com.br
Qui Ago 25 16:12:32 -03 2011

/Pessoal um cliente meu está reclamando que no log do windows server 
está aparecendo esta mensagem:

The description for Event ID 0 from source 
FirebirdGuardianDefaultInstance cannot be found. Either the component 
that raises this event is not installed on your local computer or the 
installation is corrupted. You can install or repair the component on 
the local computer./

/If the event originated on another computer, the display information 
had to be saved with the event./

/The following information was included with the event: /

/FirebirdGuardianDefaultInstance error: 1063/
/StartServiceCtrlDispatcher failed

Alguém já viu isso?
Sabe se é grave?
Tem como corrigir isso?

Daniel Nicoletti

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