[firebase-br] Webinar com Marco Cantu amanhã (meio dia, horario de Brasilia)
Carlos H. Cantu
listas em warmboot.com.br
Seg Abr 26 17:01:09 -03 2010
April 27, 2010, GMT 15-00 pm Delphi and Firebird, by Marco Cantu (in English).
Description from Marco Cantu:
Since many Delphi developers use Firebird, Embarcadero recently added
a native and specific Firebird driver to its dbExpress architecture.In
this session I’ll offer an overview of how this driver works in terms
of accessing to data and metadata, cover some of the alternative
Delphi database access solutions for Firebird, and talk about the
status of Delphi and of its relationship with the open source database
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