[firebase-br] Cantu - você tem alguma sugestão ?

ralhos ralhos em gmail.com
Sex Mar 22 17:47:54 -03 2013

Não sei para quem votar.


- - - - - - DO NOT REPLY TO THE LIST - - - - - -

You are voting on the following motion from the Chair:

"That the Minutes of the Annual General Meeting for 2011 be accepted as a true record."

NOTE :: If you were not a member at the time of the AGM in 2011, you should not vote.

To vote:
1. Copy the appropriate text below
2. Click the link beneath to open your voting form (new email)
3. Paste the copied text into the message area.
4. Sign your full name
5. Hit Send.

To vote FOR the motion, copy the following text:

I accept the Minutes of the Annual General Meeting for 2011 as a true record

To vote AGAINST the motion, copy the following text:

I do not accept that the Minutes of the Annual General Meeting for 2011 are a true record.

mailto:ffvoting em firebird-books.net?Subject=VOTING%20on%20AGM2012-01%20Minutes%20of%20Previous%20AGM
This ballot form was sent on Friday 22 March 2013 at 22:15 GMT.
Ballot will close on Monday 25 March 2013 at 22:15 GMT


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