RES: [firebase-br] Stored Procedures & Delphi

eduardo eduardo em
Qui Mar 31 19:13:50 -03 2005

se o limite de 15Kb estiver valendo... lá vai

Unit DecimalRounding_JH0;



   These routines round input values to fit as closely as possible to an
   output number with desired number of decimal fraction digits.

   Because, in general, numbers with decimal fractions cannot be exactly
   represented in IEEE-754 floating binary point variables, error limits
   are used to determine if the input numbers are intended to represent an
   exact decimal fraction rather than a nearby value.   Thus an error limit
   will be taken into account when deciding that a number input such as
   1.295, which internally is represented 1.29499 99999 …, really should
   be considered exactly 1.295 and that 0.29999 99999 ... really should
   be interpreted as 0.3 when applying the rounding rules.

   Some terminology:
     "NDFD" is used for Number of Decimal Fraction Digits.  If NDFD is
         negative, then the inputs will be rounded so that there are zeros
         on the left of the decimal point.  I.E. if NDFD = -3, then the
         output will be rounded to an integral multiple of a thousand.
     "MaxRelError" designates the maximum relative error to be allowed 
in the
         input values when deciding they are supposed to represent exact
         decimal fractions (as mentioned above).
     "Ctrl" determines the type of rounding to be done.  Nine kinds of
         rounding (plus no rounding) are defined.  They include almost
         every kind of rounding known.  See the definition of
         tDecimalRoundingCtrl below for the specific types.

  Rev. 2002.01.14 by John Herbster to add overloaded IsNaN() functions to
      solve problem with invalid operation when loading values for test.
  Rev. 2001.11.24 by John Herbster to add KnownErrorLimit, SafetyFactor,
      and MaxRelErrXxx constants. Also corrected DecimalRoundingCtrlStrs
      and comments per feedback from Marjan Venema.
  Pgm. 2001.09.19 by John Herbster.  Please send feedback and suggestions
      to author at herb-sci em

  Dedicated to the participants in the borland.public.delphi.objectpascal
      forum.  With special thanks to Brad White for his proofing and



uses Classes;

Type tDecimalRoundingCtrl =    {The defined rounding methods}
    (drNone,    {No rounding.}
     drHalfEven,{Round to nearest or to even whole number. (a.k.a Bankers) }
     drHalfPos, {Round to nearest or toward positive.}
     drHalfNeg, {Round to nearest or toward negative.}
     drHalfDown,{Round to nearest or toward zero.}
     drHalfUp,  {Round to nearest or away from zero.}
     drRndNeg,  {Round toward negative.                    (a.k.a. Floor) }
     drRndPos,  {Round toward positive.                    (a.k.a. Ceil ) }
     drRndDown, {Round toward zero.                        (a.k.a. Trunc) }
     drRndUp);  {Round away from zero.}

{ The following DecimalRound function is for doing the best possible job of
   rounding floating binary point numbers to the specified NDFD. 
   is the maximum relative error that will be allowed when determining the
   cut points for applying the rounding rules. }

Function DecimalRound
    (Value: extended;     {Input value to be rounded.}
     NDFD: integer;       {Number decimal fraction digits to figure in 
     MaxRelErr: double;   {Maximum relative error to assume in input value.}
     Ctrl: tDecimalRoundingCtrl = drHalfEven)  {Optional rounding rule}
     : extended;

{ The following functions have a two times "epsilon" error built in for the
   single, double, and extended argument respectively: }

Function DecimalRoundSgl (Value: single; NDFD: integer;
                           Ctrl: tDecimalRoundingCtrl = drHalfEven): 

Function DecimalRoundDbl (Value: double; NDFD: integer;
                           Ctrl: tDecimalRoundingCtrl = drHalfEven): 

Function DecimalRoundExt (Value: extended; NDFD: integer;
                           Ctrl: tDecimalRoundingCtrl = drHalfEven): 

{----- The following are utility functions and constants 

{ The following "epsilon" values are representative of the resolution of the
   floating point numbers divided by the number being represented.
   These constants are supplied to the rounding routines to determine 
how much
   correction should be allowed for the natural errors in representing
   decimal fractions.  Using 2 times or higher multiples of these values may
   be advisable if the data have been massaged through arithmetic
   calculations. }
   SglEps = 1.1920928955e-07;
   DblEps = 2.2204460493e-16;
   ExtEps = 1.0842021725e-19;
{ These epsilon values are smallest for which "1 + epsilon <> 1".
       For "1 - epsilon <> 1", divide the following values by 2. }

   KnownErrorLimit = 1.234375;
   SafetyFactor = 2;
   MaxRelErrSgl = SglEps * KnownErrorLimit * SafetyFactor;
   MaxRelErrDbl = DblEps * KnownErrorLimit * SafetyFactor;
   MaxRelErrExt = ExtEps * KnownErrorLimit * SafetyFactor;
{ If MaxRelErr < XxxEps * KnownErrorLimit then errors can occur. }

Procedure LoadDecimalRoundingCtrlAbbrs(const Strings: tStrings);
{ This procedure loads the tDecimalRoundingCtrl descriptions and ordinals
   into the string list for such use as using a TCombobox to make rounding
   type selection. }

Procedure CalcEpsValues (var SglEps, DblEps, ExtEps: double);
{ This procedure was used to compute the values SglEps, DblEps, and 
ExtEps: }

Function IsNAN (const sgl: single)  : boolean; overload;
Function IsNAN (const dbl: double)  : boolean; overload;
Function IsNAN (const ext: extended): boolean; overload;
{ Each returns true if the value passed is not-a-number. }

Function GetX87CW: word;
{ Returns the FPU control word (which indicates interrupt masks and
       precision and rounding modes). }

Function IsFpuCwOkForRounding: boolean;
{ Returns true if floating point processor (FPU) is correctly set
     (1) to allow conversion from extended to double and double to single
         without creating the the loss-of-precision interrupt or exception,
     (2) to do arithmetic internal to FPU in extended precision, and
     (3) to internally use halves-to-even (a.k.a. bankers) rounding. }

   DecimalRoundingCtrlStrs: array [tDecimalRoundingCtrl] of
       record Abbr: string[9]; Dscr: string[59]; end = (
     (Abbr: 'None'    ; Dscr: 'No rounding.'),
     (Abbr: 'HalfEven'; Dscr: 'Round to nearest or to even whole number'+
                              ' (a.k.a Bankers) '),
     (Abbr: 'HalfPos' ; Dscr: 'Round to nearest or toward positive'),
     (Abbr: 'HalfNeg' ; Dscr: 'Round to nearest or toward negative'),
     (Abbr: 'HalfDown'; Dscr: 'Round to nearest or toward zero'),
     (Abbr: 'HalfUp'  ; Dscr: 'Round to nearest or away from zero'),
     (Abbr: 'RndNeg'  ; Dscr: 'Round toward negative. (a.k.a. Floor) '),
     (Abbr: 'RndPos'  ; Dscr: 'Round toward positive. (a.k.a. Ceil ) '),
     (Abbr: 'RndDown' ; Dscr: 'Round toward zero. (a.k.a. Trunc) '),
     (Abbr: 'RndUp'   ; Dscr: 'Round away from zero.') );

{ These FPU Control Word bit masks prevent interrupt when present: }
   IM = $0001; {Invalid op interrupt Mask}
   DM = $0002; {Denormalized op interrupt Mask}
   ZM = $0004; {Zero divide interrupt Mask}
   OM = $0008; {Overflow interrupt Mask}
   UM = $0010; {Underflow interrupt Mask}
   PM = $0020; {Loss of precision interrupt Mask}
{ The "pending interrupt" flags in status word have matching positions. }
   IntrM = IM or DM or ZM or OM or UM or PM;

{ These FPU Control Word bit fields change operation: }
   PC = $0300; {Precision Control mask}
   RC = $0C00; {Rounding Control mask}
   pcSingle  = $0000; pcDouble = $0200; pcExtended = $0300;
   rcBankers = $0000; rcFloor  = $0400; rcCeil     = $0800; rcChop = $0C00;


Function DecimalRound(Value: extended; NDFD: integer; MaxRelErr: double;
                          Ctrl: tDecimalRoundingCtrl = drHalfEven): 
{ The DecimalRounding function is for doing the best possible job of 
   floating binary point numbers to the specified (NDFD) number of decimal
   fraction digits.  MaxRelErr is the maximum relative error that will 
   when determining when to apply the rounding rule.  }
var i: Int64; j: integer; m, ScaledVal, ScaledErr: extended;

   If IsNaN(Value) or (Ctrl = drNone)
     then begin Result := Value; EXIT end;

{ Compute 10^NDFD and scale the Value and MaxError: }
   m := 1; For j := 1 to abs(NDFD) do m := m*10;
   If NDFD >= 0
     then begin
       ScaledVal := Value * m;
       ScaledErr := abs(MaxRelErr*Value) * m;
     else begin
       ScaledVal := Value / m;
       ScaledErr := abs(MaxRelErr*Value) / m;

{ Do the diferent basic types separately: }
   Case Ctrl of
     drHalfEven: begin
       i := round((ScaledVal - ScaledErr));
       j := round((ScaledVal + ScaledErr));
       if Odd(i)
         then i := j;
     drHalfDown:  {Round to nearest or toward zero.}
       i := round((abs(ScaledVal) - ScaledErr));
     drHalfUp:    {Round to nearest or away from zero.}
       i := round((abs(ScaledVal) + ScaledErr));
     drHalfPos:   {Round to nearest or toward positive.}
       i := round((ScaledVal + ScaledErr));
     drHalfNeg:   {Round to nearest or toward negative.}
       i := round((ScaledVal - ScaledErr));
     drRndNeg:    {Truncate toward negative. (a.k.a. Floor)}
       i := round((ScaledVal + (ScaledErr - 1/2)));
     drRndPos:    {Truncate toward positive. (a.k.a. Ceil)}
       i := round((ScaledVal - (ScaledErr - 1/2)));       {}
     drRndDown:   {Truncate toward zero (a.k.a. Trunc).}
       i := round((abs(ScaledVal) + (ScaledErr - 1/2)));
     drRndUp:     {Truncate away from zero.}
       i := round((abs(ScaledVal) - (ScaledErr - 1/2)));
     else i := round(ScaledVal);

{ Finally convert back to the right order: }
   If NDFD >= 0
     then Result := i / m
     else Result := i * m;

   If (Ctrl in [drHalfDown,drHalfUp,drRndDown,drRndUp]) and
      (Value < 0)
     then Result := -Result;


Function DecimalRoundSgl(Value: single; NDFD: integer;
                          Ctrl: tDecimalRoundingCtrl = drHalfEven): 
   Result := DecimalRound(Value,NDFD,MaxRelErrSgl,Ctrl);

Function DecimalRoundDbl(Value: double; NDFD: integer;
                          Ctrl: tDecimalRoundingCtrl = drHalfEven): 
   Result := DecimalRound(Value,NDFD,MaxRelErrDbl,Ctrl);

Function DecimalRoundExt(Value: extended; NDFD: integer;
                          Ctrl: tDecimalRoundingCtrl = drHalfEven): 
   Result := DecimalRound(Value,NDFD,MaxRelErrExt,Ctrl);

Procedure CalcEpsValues (var SglEps, DblEps, ExtEps: double);
{ Compute smallest 1/(2^n) epsilon values for which "1 + epsilon <> 1".
   For "1 - epsilon <> 1", divide these computed values by 2. }
var s: single; d: double; e,f: extended;
{ Compute for single, s: }
   f := 1;
   Repeat f := f/2; s := 1 + f/2; Until s = 1;
   SglEps := f;
{ Compute for double, d: }
   f := 1;
   Repeat f := f/2; d := 1 + f/2; Until d = 1;
   DblEps := f;
{ Compute with extended, e: }
   f := 1;
   Repeat f := f/2; e := 1 + f/2; Until e = 1;
   ExtEps := f;

type  TExtPackedRec = packed record Man: Int64; Exp: word end;
const SglExpBits: LongInt = $7F800000;          { 8 bits}
       DblExpBits: Int64   = $7FF0000000000000;  {11 bits}
       ExtExpBits: word    = $7FFF;              {15 bits}

Function IsNAN (const sgl: single): boolean;
var InputX: LongInt absolute sgl;
   Result := (InputX <> 0) and ((InputX and SglExpBits)=SglExpBits);

Function IsNAN (const dbl: double): boolean;
var InputX: Int64 absolute dbl;
   Result := (InputX <> 0) and ((InputX and DblExpBits)=DblExpBits);

Function IsNAN (const ext: extended): boolean;
var InputX: TExtPackedRec absolute ext;
   Result := (InputX.Man <> 0) and ((InputX.Exp and ExtExpBits)=ExtExpBits);

Function GetX87CW: word;
{ Returns the FPU control word (which indicates interrupt masks and
       precision and rounding modes). }
   FStCW [Result]

Function IsFpuCwOkForRounding: boolean;
{ Checks to see that floating point processor (FPU) is correctly set to
     (1) allow conversion from extended to double and double to single
         without creating the the loss of precision interrupt or exception,
     (2) do arithmetic internal to FPU in extended precision, and
     (3) use round halves-to-even (a.k.a. bankers rounding) internally. }
var CW: word;
   CW := GetX87CW;
   Result := ((CW and (PC or RC or PM)) = (rcBankers or pcExtended or PM));

Procedure LoadDecimalRoundingCtrlAbbrs(const Strings: tStrings);
var dr: tDecimalRoundingCtrl;
   For dr := low(dr) to high(dr)
       do Strings.AddObject(DecimalRoundingCtrlStrs[dr].Abbr,pointer(dr));


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